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in addition to regular photos from komei's new sony a7r mark ii (wiki) and risa's nikon d600 (wiki) uploaded to smugmug, there are tons of 360-degree panorama pictures taken by ricoh theta s (web), which turned out to be a lot of fun. they are shown in the 5 web pages (buenos aires, ushuaia, australis, santiago and key west) linked below. zoom in and out, drag around and have fun!

the photos are organized into 12 galleries:

  1. patagonia trip (this page): trip overview and best theta s panorama pictures (below)
  2. smugmug: trip highlights: gallery of best 21 photos and video

  3. buenos aires: overview and theta s panorama pictures
  4. smugmug: buenos aires
  5. ushuaia: overview and theta s panorama pictures
  6. smugmug: ushuaia
  7. australis: overview and theta s panorama pictures
  8. smugmug: australis cruise
  9. santiago: overview and theta s panorama pictures
  10. smugmug: santiago
  11. key west: overview and theta s panorama pictures
  12. smugmug: key west

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  1. ??????????????????`????: ?????????theta s???????????
  2. smugmug: trip highlights: gallery of best 21 photos and video

  3. ????????????: ?????theta s?????
  4. smugmug: ????????????
  5. ??????????: ?????theta s?????
  6. smugmug: ??????????
  7. australis: ?????theta s?????
  8. smugmug: australis cruise
  9. ?????????: ?????theta s?????
  10. smugmug: ?????????
  11. ???`????????: ?????theta s?????
  12. smugmug: ???`????????

disembarkation to wulaia bay (australis)
post from ricoh theta. #theta360 - spherical image - ricoh theta
parque tres de febrero (wiki)
post from ricoh theta. #theta360 - spherical image - ricoh theta
santiago metropolitan cathedral (wiki)
post from ricoh theta. #theta360 - spherical image - ricoh theta
yoga event in front of la moneda palace (wiki)
post from ricoh theta. #theta360 - spherical image - ricoh theta
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